Top 10k strings from Long Way Home Volume 1 (1983)(16-48 Tape Magazine)(Part 6 of 8).z80
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3 ;"Jimpix#6 2 a$="SOUTH": 2 Press any key to continue. 2 ;"Keep the tape running": 2 "Advent#6" 1 z$="15030204Stop the tape": 1 z$="09010505Colony": 1 z$="04000404Way home": 1 z$="01040303The long": 1 y$="You see " 1 y$;"the following;": 1 y$;"nothing to help you.": 1 y$;" a large power"'"receiver pointing ";t$(5 1 type GOTO GO 1 details of your game so that you can RUN the game again from that point." 1 cli)+("up " 1 cli)+("down " 1 clI)+("South " 1 clI)+("East " 1 a$="WEST": 1 a$="TRANS": 1 a$="TRAIN": 1 a$="NORTH": 1 a$="GRAVE": 1 a$="EAST": 1 a$="DOWN": 1 a$="BLUE": 1 a$="ADVERT": 1 The long way home 1 T$="1110NORTH00": 1 Rewind & play tape ( 1 Replay tape to 1 Program BARRY THORNE 1 PRESS ANY KEY 1 PPRP PPP" PPPP" PPPP "PPP PP$ 1 PPRP PPP" 1 PP" PPPP "PPP PP 1 P:WWPWzPWWPzPWP{{{ 1 P:PPPP{PPPP{PPPPzPPPPR 1 P:PPPPzPPPPz 1 P:8:PPzx{PW{x{PPP{ 1 NB. if it doesn't 1 Magnetic Magazines Ltd.*6\$: 1 In order to break out of the game to load side 2 of 16/48, Press CAPSHIFT 6 ,Type LOAD"""" "'"ENTER, and play side 2. 1 Graphics JIM DANN 1 B.C.THORNE APRIL 1983*S\ 1 A$="SPADE": 1 A$="SOUTH" 1 A$="NORTH" 1 A ferocious alien predator"'"appears & attacks you.You have"'"no defence from it,"'"it kills you. 1 ?888?88????88??? 1 ;'"Play the tape containing your previous game": 1 ;"The long way home" 1 ;"Start the tape": 1 ;"START THE TAPE"' 1 ;"Press any key to restart": 1 ;"Part 6": 1 ;"Let the tape run to the end of side one (16K machines will not LOAD the machine code part)."'"If you save the game it will"'"only run after CLEAR 32766": 1 ;"EXTRA COMMANDS FOR 48K'ers" 1 ;"Don't worry about the silence between loading the program & machine code" 1 ;"Advent#6": 1 ;"Advent#6" 1 16/48 script 1 ."'"You are trying to find your way home via a series of Trans-mat units that you were forced to"'"scatter at random through time &space." 1 ((prog+474 1 ''"See you again soon..." 1 ''"Do you want a print out of theseinstructions ? (y/n)" 1 ''"Are you nearing the end of"'" 1 '"You have visited the Marie"'"Celeste, a strange pyramid, a"'"prehistoric settlement and an"'"enchanted castle, in your bid toget home" 1 '"If you get stuck, EXAMINE"'"everything mentioned by the"'"computer, or, type HELP." 1 '"Do you want to read these again?"'"(y/n)" 1 '"Do you want to load a previous game ?" 1 #p;'"Use short sentences where"'"possible."' 1 #p;'"The story so far 1 #p;"WHAT CAN I SEE - This reminds you of where visible exits are"'("and shows you a picture." 1 #p;"SAVE GAME - This will SAVE & 1 #p''"16/48 Presents the 6th episode of our text & graphics"'"adventure game.(High speed, 1 #p'"You tell the computer what you want to do by typing in ENGLISH.(Then pressing enter)" 1 #p'"You must draw a map wherever yougo so that you can find your wayaround." 1 #p'"N = GO NORTH"'"S =GO SOUTH ...etc"'"INSTRUCTIONS - gives you these instructions again." 1 #p'"In each episode of the game you are looking for one of the"'"transmat units in the hope that it will get you home."''"This month you materialize in anabandoned space colony back in the year 4816" 1 #p'"HELP - For (useful ?) advice." 1 #p'"GO NORTH, SOUTH, EAST...etc."'"EXAMINE THE ..."'"TAKE THE ..."'"GET THE..."'"READ THE.." 1 #p'"Don't worry if your character iskilled early on in your first game, it is all part of the 1 #p'"Certain single words can be usedas commands. These are:" 1 #p'"Avoid giving more than one"'"instrucion per sentence." 1 "and falls into a meteor crater."'"You are killed": 1 "You take the SPADE": 1 "You should know by now that it is dangerous to push ANYTHING"'"except the blue button."'"The trans-mat explodes, you are killed": 1 "You see the usual three buttons,coloured RED,GREEN & BLUE.": 1 "You reveal a heavy door to the east of you": 1 "You open the DOOR."'y$;"a tunnel leading down tothe east"'("It is very dark" 1 "You need something to dig with first": 1 "You materialize.": 1 "You hear something behind you.": 1 "You hear a crackling of static in the air, somewhere beneath you hear a humming noise": 1 "You have;": 1 "You get on the train. It leaves the station and goes east.": 1 "You fall down an escalator"'"You are killed": 1 "You cannot": 1 "You cannot go ";a$: 1 "You cannot do much whilst you"'"are sitting in the train !": 1 "You are outside the large empty building. In front of it there is a TRANS-MAT unit.": 1 "You are outside a sandbank,"'("You see something buried in the sand" 1 "You are in the main street in a deserted colony."'"There is a graveyard to the westand a sand bank to the east.": 1 "You are in the desert": 1 "You are in an alien desert, the sky is purple, the sand is red.": 1 "You are in a well lit tunnel": 1 "You are in a square at the end of the main street.": 1 "You are in a large field."'"It is filled with solar panels."'"They are connected to a large transmitter that is pointing to the east.": 1 "You are in a graveyard"'"There are many graves dug in thesand": 1 "You are in a deserted rail"'"terminal. ";y$;"adverts on the walls,"'"There are tunnels east & west.": 1 "What are you going to do ?"'" 1 "Use one of the following words in your sentences;": 1 "Try examining things": 1 "There is nothing to read": 1 "There is a strong wind" 1 "There are large paw prints in"'"the sand.": 1 "There are heavy wires running into the ground": 1 "There are exits visible;"'("North " 1 "The train moves on...": 1 "The train leaves to the east.": 1 "The train leaves the tunnel and stops by a large building.": 1 "The straw flares up & goes out in a fraction of a second": 1 "The receiver is mounted on a"'"rotating platform.": 1 "The newest graves are just"'"mounds of sand. The most recent has the date 4816 on it."'("There is a spade lying next to it." 1 "TURN","NORTH","SOUTH","EAST","WEST","DOWN","CLIMB","UP","EXAMINE","LOOK","SEE","GOT","TAKE","GET","HELP","DIG","OPEN","READ","PUSH","KILL","BURN","SAVE GAME","QUIT" 1 "Put cartridge in drive 1": 1 "Please type ~";B$;"~,"'"then specify the direction.": 1 "PPP PP$$ 1 "Nothing happens.": 1 "No way you are nearly finished.": 1 "Make sure that your map is"'"accurate.": 1 "Long Way#6" 1 "It's really far out man !": 1 "If the computer can't understandyou it will suggest a few words to help you."'"It will not tell you every word that it knows as this would"'"spoil the game." 1 "INSTRUCTION" 1 "I did not understand that !": 1 "Have you not been trained to"'"wait ?": 1 "Don't forget to buy issue 28329 of 1 "Do you want to save this programon tape or microdrive? (y/n)" 1 "As you start towards the the"'"tunnel a silent train runs you down. You have been killed.": 1 "As you are dematerializing a"'"blue police box mysteriously"'"appears."'" At least you have finally hit"'"your own time zone.": 1 "A Train arrives": 1 "A FLINT","some STRAW","a BOTTLE","a SPADE" 1 "42567",y: 1 "42566",x: 1 "'"QUIT - This restarts the game." 1 to save to tape,"'"anything else for microdrive" 1 magazine !": 1 learning process !" 1 hi-res graphics for 48K'ers 1 USEFUL PHRASES 1 INSTRUCTIONS 1 COMMANDS "